Sunday, July 17, 2011


DEM are digital elevation models. These are computer produced maps that show elevation of the surface. May of these maps use color shading to show the relief. The particular DEM map shows elevation in a location in Africa.


DOQQ’s are digital aerial photos. They can be produced as false color-infrared photos or in true color.  The image above is a false color infrared.  False color imagery helps delineate surface features.


Isopleth maps makes the information portrayed on the map easy to view by using lines of connecting data points. These maps consist of contour maps and meteorology maps. The big thing on these maps is showing the third dimension. This Isopleth map is showing horizontal temperature difference.,r:7,s:0

Star plots

Star plots let the viewer compare multiple variables for each observation. They are so common because they allow for easy visualization. In this star plot it shows the different automobiles in 1979 and give an analysis of each of them based on price, mileage, repair, headroom, etc.

Correlation matrix

This Correlation matrix is showing a subset of the top 100 cancer genes. These charts show a correlation between the different genes.,r:2,s:0&tx=47&ty=74

Similarity matrix

Similarity matrix's show how a variable changes between different variations of it, such as genes. In the above chart, it shows Amino Acids similarities.

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and Leaf Plots are designed with the tenths number on one axis and the singles digit plotted in the chart. This makes finding the median fairly easy for the viewer. They also help show alot of data in a small area.